QuadKidz Are you Ready? 2019 Race Series
The BQA are very excited to announce all the dates for our 2019 ‘QuadKidz’ Race Series! This will comprise of 3 Quadrathlon’s for our youngsters, there are various distances for the 3 age groups. (9-12) (13-15) and (16-18). At each race they will pick up points, which will go towards ‘Championship Prizes’ in each category. The Child with the most points in each age group will win the Prize, but they must of done the 3 events from the series and must be a BQA QuadKidz Member. After the 3rd race organized by Lincsquad we will honor our QuadKidz Champions!
Overall Winners must be ‘BQA QuadKidz’ members, very reasonable membership for the year. £7 individual child or £5 per child if parent is a BQA Member. Membership Form
QuadKidz1 – ‘Dearne Valley Quad’ Sunday 16th June Is our First Race of the season. A Big thanks to Mark Benton for hosting this again, it is certainly a great start for our QuadKidz, with the organizers giving the youngsters plenty of support! This race takes place within this lovely Manvers Waterpark . (camping available on site). The aim is to deliver a fun Quadrathon where our children can enjoy the challenge, be encouraged all the way, and feel a great sense of achievement afterwards!
Entries and Information Dearne Valley-triquad-2019

QuadKidz2 – ‘Box End QuadKidz’ Sunday 30th June
Our second QuadKidz race will be at Box End. Thanks to Mark Pryor ‘Quadrac Racing’ for adding this QuadKidz event which fits perfectly into the main race. It’s an off road course, with plenty of encouragement from onlookers along the way making sure the QuadKidz finish with a smile and a huge sense of Achievement!
Entries and Information BoxEnd QuadKidz
QuadKidz3 – ‘LincsQuadKidz’ Sunday 8th Sept Our third and final QuadKidz race will be at North Lincolnshire and Humberside Sailing Club, Barton Upon Humber. Thanks to Lincsquad for hosting this event, no doubt this will live up to their top class race organization certainly one not to be missed! This will be the the final race and the BQA will present the ‘Championship Prizes’ to ‘BQA QuadKidz members’ who have completed the Race Series!
To Register  email to youthchair@lincsquad.co.uk
For more details Date to be changed – Â LincsQuadkidz Flyer 2019Â Â Â Â
Lets watch ‘Quadkidz’ Grow and Grow, exciting times ahead for our juniors – Its time for our ‘QuadKidz’ to Shine!

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