National Trophy Champions 2022
It was great to get back to an almost full National Trophy Series this year. Sadly Bude had to be cancelled, due to major leak with no water in the Canal, but we still had 4 excellent races in our calender, The Brigg Bomber (World Cup Event also) Dearne Valley Sprint, Shrewsbury Sprint, and The Brigg Sprint. I’d just like to thank on behalf of the BQA to all our Race organizers and support volunteers, who work so hard each year to put on these events for us, it is a big commitment and we really do appreciate your time! Thanks also to all the Sponsors who support them, and to you the BQA Members for you annual fees, which are vital so we can run the BQA Governing Body and more important provide the ever important Insurance fees to be able to support the Race Organizers…. Big Thanks!
This year we had we had 34 male athletes and 23 female athletes racing in the series, but only 3 athletes managed to do all 4 races ….. a huge well done to John McAdam, Wayne Smith and Helen Adams. It has been a difficult season for many of us, with Covid still hovering and other life issues, but lets hope 2023 will bring a fresh start, plenty of motivation and lots more of Quadrathletes back in ACTION!!
Well done to all Quadrathletes that raced in the series, there have been some excellent performances and big improvements for may athletes this season, its been great to see some old faces back into our sport and as always so good to be welcoming newcomers, we hope to see you all again next year!

Male Overall
1st Jules Taylor 315 points (Vet 60)
2nd Wayne Smith 305 points (Vet 50)
3rd Nicholas Farnell 303 points(Vet 50)
Female Overall
1st Helen Adams 350 points (Vet 50)
2nd Liz Dawson 317 points (Vet 50)
3rd Caz Jones 284 points(Vet 50)

Jules has made a come back to Quadrathlon after pursuing other sports, I’ve know him since 2000, when I was fairly new to our sport we had many a great trip to Europe competing in World Championship Events. Other commitments took over Jules life and he moved on to other challenges. I am so pleased Jules has made a come back, he’ll be a great asset to our Quad family, enthuiastic, fun and as I remember always smiling … a fabulous result in his come back year!
Helen has being doing Quads for a couple of years now, and has just got stronger and stronger each year, a well deserved result and she is one of only 3 athletes to do all of our 4 Quads this year! Helen is also a great ambassador for Quadrathlon, and she enjoys sharing her passion with other like minded athletes along the way and will no doubt be supporting our sport for years to come … a great result well done!
Congratulations also to our Age Group Winners who have all produced some fabulous results this season! We have great depth in strength and experience in our age groupers, they are all great ambassadors of our sport and we are very proud to have them in our BQA Quadrathlon Family! Well Done to you all!
Full Trophy Results BQA Trophy FINAL RESULTS 2022

The Eric Hatliff Memorial Trophy ‘For Endeavor’ 2022 Congratulations ‘The Chappills’ – Donna, Jeff and Peter They have ALL shown Enthusiasm & Commitment to Our Sport and have been involved with our Quadrathlon Family for many years showing true dedication!

They have been members and involved in Lincsquad for as long as I can remember, they are key in organizing races at Brigg, along with organizing training sessions. They have encouraged many Athletes into our sport, and even have time to race themselves! They are all great supporters of The BQA and spread the word of Quadrathlon far and wide! On behalf of the BQA we wish to say A BIG THANK-YOU for your Time and Effort it is very much appreciated by us all!
Have a Safe Winter and Come Back Stronger #2023 …. Jean Ashley
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