BQA Points -1 Race Left! Plus Final WQF Results 2024
The Final Race of our Quad Season is ‘The Keyo Brigg Sprint distance Quadrathlon – organised by our wonderful ‘LincsQuad’ and consists of a 750m swim in the river Ancholme (or pool swim depending on the river temperature) followed by a 4km Kayak, 19km road cycle and finishing with a 5km road run. The course is flat, fast and ideal for both experienced quadrathletes and those wanting to race the shorter distance. There is also a Team event, and each person will complete at least 1 leg of the event.
The National Trophies will be given out at this race, sadly due to our Race cancellations this year, we only have a couple of contenders who have done 3 races, but all will be to play for on the day so get your entries in now!
BQA TROPHY RESULTS after 2 RACES Â BQA trophy race after 2
The BQA started a National Trophy Series in 2005 this is a series of events which are generally spread throughout the country. Each event contributes points towards finding a National Champion, with the best three results for each individual to count. This is our Hall of Fame: Winners since the Series started in 2005Â BQA-Hall-of-Fame-2023
Trophies are awarded each year, provided each winner has done 3 races in the series, and must be a current BQA Member. (In the event of a tie the 4th race points will count to decide the winner). Overall Winners Perpetual Trophy for Male and Female. BQA Kit vouchers for winners Male and Female in each age category, Juniors (u23), Seniors, V40+ V50+ V60+ Vet 70+
WQF FINAL RESULTS Final World Cup 2024 Results
Congratulations to our overall World Champions Ferenc Csima (HUN) and Susanne Walter (GER). Our best GB Result is Jules Taylor (after 2 races) was 8th Overall. All participants of a world cup event are automatically listed for the world cup results if they fulfill the national terms and conditions. The number of competitions for one athlete is not limited. The best three races are counted (up to two results from one country).The winners get a high-quality glass cup (overall and agegroups), the podium place winners will receive medals. ( An Athlete get trophies/medals only when he has completed a minimum of 3 races.

National Quadrathlon Trophy: WQF National Trophy FINAL
Congratulations to POLAND who Won The National Quadrathlon Trophy (11280 pts) with SPAIN in second (10200pts) with GREAT BRITAIN in third (7722pts)
This Trophy is will be awarded annually by the WQF. For each Nation, the highest number of points scored in the each of the 16 WQF age and gender categories by an individual national in any one World Cup race during the season will be totaled. If no individual from a nation is represented in an age/gender group, then zero points will be scored for that category.
The trophy will be held by the winning nation for one year. It will be that nation’s responsibility to ensure the trophy is available to be presented at the last race of the following season.
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