BQA Constitution
The Aims of the British Quadrathlon Association are;
1. To further the interests in Britain of Quadrathlon
2. Foster a spirit of sportsmanship and participation in any activities carried out, sponsored or supported by the Association and its members.
3. Promote Quadrathlon as a test of physical and psychological endurance through a race which normally includes four continuous sports (swimming, canoeing, cycling and running).
The Objectives of the British Quadrathlon Association are:
1. Promote the aims on behalf of its Membership.
2. Encourage and facilitate its Members to participate in athletic training and competition consistent with its Aims.
3. Establish and maintain links and liaise with Event organizers and any other sporting bodies in Britain or internationally that are sympathetic to the aims.
4. By means of e-mail communication and similar media, transmit to its Membership information and details relevant to the aims and the administration of the Association.
5. Protect the rights of its Members and liaise and reduce any conflict with other organizations.
6. Administer any grants and sponsorship donated to the Association.
The Administrative rules of the British Quadrathlon Association are;
1. The Members shall meet once each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at a date notified in advance by not less than 14 days. Only fully paid up members at the date of the AGM shall be eligible to set any agenda items, vote on any motion or stand for election as an officer of the Association.2. The Membership shall comprise Ordinary Members, paying an annual membership fee set at the AGM.
3. The administrative affairs of The British Quadrathlon Association shall be conducted by Officers elected to a Committee at the AGM.
4. The Committee shall comprise a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and such other officers for specific duties as may be voted in by the AGM.
5. The standing agenda items at the AGM will include:
i. Minutes of the previous AGM
ii. Reports of Officers, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer
iii. Election of Officers
iv. Items on the Agenda and any other business
v. Review of the Constitution (if necessary)
6. The Committee shall operate a bank account, withdrawal from which shall be Authorized by the signature of the Secretary and/or the Treasurer as directed by the Committee.
7. The British Quadrathlon Association shall each year promote a series of races to comprise a Trophy Series. The number of events and the qualifying criteria for participating members shall be determined each year in advance by the committee.
8. Any organization that offers it’s event as a trophy series event shall be asked to enter into a race contract drawn up by the British Quadrathlon Association.
9. A single Event each year shall be granted a designation of the British Quadrathlon Association Championships. Whist open to overseas competitors the first UK National in each class to finish will be the British Champion for that year.
10. The British Quadrathlon Association shall, through a vote of its members at the AGM, set the criteria for the selection of the British Team representing the Association attending the World Quadrathlon Championships. Any person who wishes to be eligible for the British Team must be a member of the Association.
11. Any member wishing to be eligible for any prize offered by the British Quadrathlon Association in the National Trophy Series or benefit from any grant or sponsorship administrated by the British Quadrathlon Association must be a fully paid up member of the Association for the current year.