A Very Long, Long Distance Quad Bonkers Bash 2015!
1 man, 4410 KM, 1 heck of a Challenge!
Some of you may of heard the interview with Richard Brash last Friday on Radio 2’s Simon Mayo’s show, well this is the Quadrathlete enthusiast Richard Brash who is currently attempting to circumnavigate the UK in 28 days, he will be running, cycling, swimming and kayaking everyday with just three rest days.
Richard left Bournemouth Pier on Saturday 4th July and is presently on day 4th where he will finish in Burnham. Any local or social media support you can give along the route for the next 25 days would be greatly appreciated.
Please find the links to Richards FB page, if you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact me on 01442 507311. We’re really happy to be joined by RNLI man, Alex Wade who will be doing the cycling with Richard and Dave. It’s really good to have people along to join the riding etc, so please if you live along the route and you’re a looney – or if you know one – please connect us up!
Richard B
Pepper Foundation
Richard H
Best wishes
Diane Butler