BQA Training Day 2014

The World Quadrathlon Championships getting closer, and we hope your training and preparations are going well. Ian Smith our BQA Team Coordinator has organized a Training day, all BQA GB Team members are  invited. Its aim is to meet up with the team, and iron out any concerns offer training tips and have a good day’s training together.

It is at Worcester Canoe Club Saturday 26th April 10 – 4. Please find Itinerary attached. If you wish to come and haven’t confirmed your place already please contact Ian Smith via email … or myself Jean Ashley THANKS.

The World Quadrathlon Champs Keyo Brigg Bomber 2014 is officially a sell out 110 entries are in! That’s now officially the biggest Quadrathlon ever held in Great Britain ….. and your going to be part of it! We have 45 GB Team members, who are all BQA members, please note the following Rule … if you wish to race for Team GB you must be a BQA member .. THANKS!

Please remember if your racing for ‘Team GB’ you Must Be a 2014 paid up of your NATIONAL GOVERNING BODY, so please send me your BQA membership Form and payment … THANKS