Quadrathletes Race Kona 2013!

Congratulations to Steve Clark from Lincsquad and Mat Stephenson, 2 of our top Quadrathletes who have raced in the the World Ironman Championships in KONA, Hawaii on 12th October 2013. Steve is currently the British and European Quadrathlon Champion, he came home in a fantastic time of 9hrs 40mins 10 secs (swim 1.04.05, bike 4.49.15, run 3.38.42) 375 overall!

Mat was last years Overall National Trophy Winner, he came home in 11hrs 16 mins 1 sec (swim 1.03.29, bike 4.59.23, run 4.54.41) 1304 overall.
Well done to them both, and we look forward to reading their Ironman race reports!
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